Sm-04-Ver Version:v1.0,v3.0
Display module:Round dot matrix
Display Mode:Vertical display
Display board size:150.5 * 70 * 23
Mounting plate dimensions:182.5 * 70 * 23
The same type of information (not entirely out special board):
jp1 Serial communication inte***ce, in which a foot is txv +, 2 feet txv-, 3 feet txa +, 4 feet txa-.
jp2 Up call button inte***ce (the button lights to indicate 1, 2 foot, 1 "-", 2 "+"; 3,4 feet for the button input).
jp3 Down call button inte***ce (the button lights to indicate 1, 2 foot, 1 "-", 2 "+"; 3,4 feet for the button input).
jp4 Pause light and lock ladder input inte***ce, which is displayed as a hall, 2 feet for the suspension of light instructions; for the car in the display. 1 to 2 feet "-", 2 "+"; 3,4 foot ladder to lock normally open switch contact inputs.
jp5 At full light and the visitors input inte***ce, which is displayed as a hall, 2 feet of light at full instructions; for the car in 2 feet to the fire display light indication. 1 "-", 2 "+"; 3,4 feet to spare input.
jp6 Program burn mouth / rs232 communication port.
s1 Plug jumper to set the address of the code block display panel, setting the jumper removed.
j1, j2 Serial communication terminal resistor jumper, while access to built-in short that the 120 ohm resistor.